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~ News ~
Notice of Next HOA Board Meeting
Posted on Feb 4th, 2025
The Next BOARD of Directors Meeting for the McDavid Estates HOA will be:
March 4, 2025
1733 McDavid Court (Pool House)
7 PM
Happy New Year!! End of Year HOA Activities and Updates
Posted on Jan 2nd, 2025
Dear McDavid Estates Homeowners,
HAPPY NEW YEAR! With the start of 2025, I wanted to report the HOA end of 2024 activities and updates:
At the December 2024 Annual Meeting and Election the following homeowners were elected to serve on the 2025 HOA board;
President         - P.T.Wright
Vice President - Cliff Tiller
Secretary         - Rebecca Thomas
Treasurer         - Jared Benson
Phase Captains
1 - Susie Anfin
2 - Andrea Nelson (Write-In)
3 - Keith Taylor
4 - Heather Truong
5 - Michael Martin
6 - Chris Hoke
This election had one of the largest number of voters for a Board Election. The use of electronic/internet voting has really helped to ensure the quorum (25% membership voting). Members who have not signed up to join our subdivision email list need to as soon as possible. With the rising cost of postage and “questionable” delivery of mail, the HOA will continue to expand its use of the internet to contact and inform the membership; 
Please note that only the HOA website and HOA sent emails carry “the official” HOA electronic notices/information. 
Open Infra US update:
I would like to thank the 20 home owners who took the time to report damages they sustained from the laying of fiber optics by Open Infra US (OI). The Board received an update from our HOA Mgt Office at the Director’s Meeting, which followed the Annual meeting, we learned that OI has rebuffed our claims. OI's position is that with AT&T coming in while OI was still finishing work, it would be impossible to tell what was OI damage vs AT&T caused damage; 
The Board deferred action until its March 3, 2005, meeting as we try to determine what next steps (if any) could be taken as an HOA; 
It appears that individual homeowners (that have proof of OI damages “pre" AT&T operations and evidence of reporting the damage to OI along with estimates or repairs bills) will have a stronger case in having repairs reimbursed by filing individual claims with OI and/or seek restitution through small claims court (Justice of the Peace); 
In the event that you suffered damage from work done by AT&T during installing of their fiber optic lines or in the final “fill/leveling/removal” of the holes, ruts, dirt mounds, etc from the county's roads right-a-ways within our subdivision, you should file your claims with AT&T.
July 4th Parade Update:
The major event of the year is always our 4th of July Parade and post parade get together /ice cream social. Jared Benson and Model Realty once more provided the ice cream treats, which were enjoyed by all the parade participants and parade watches! This year the HOA also added 2 prize drawings for our 18 yr old and under participants. These drawings were so well received that the HOA is looking for ways to increase the number of drawings for 2025. If you know of a business that would like to donate a prize to the 2025 July 4th event please contact a board member.
Home Sales Update:
At the December 2024 meeting, Jared Benson reported that our subdivision continues selling well with some homes going under contract within the first week of listing. This is exciting news and all of us should continue to work to "keep up” our property because it not only helps us grow our investment, it helps us have a great, beautiful and enjoyable place to live. 
Covenant and Architectural (C&A)Committee Report:
HOA covenants are in place to ensure homeowner compliance. Most homeowners take care to ensure their properties are well maintained and usually the Covenant and Architectural Committee only has to call a violation to the attention of a homeowner to get the issue corrected;
It never hurts for homeowners to periodically check the covenants (on-line copy available on our HOA website) to ensure they remain in compliance or contact the Covenant and Architectural Committee if they need clarification of covenant applicability;
At the December Board Meeting the following violations were called to the attention of the C&A Committee and notices to these homeowners have been sent;
Several yards requiring mowing of overgrown grass and weeds;
Dead tree limbs in road way and right away requiring removal;
Large election campaign banner displayed (over the covenant's maximum signage size allowed).
2025  HOA Dues Notices:
 2025 dues notices will be sent in January via USPS Mail from our HOA management company, ACCLAIM Group, Colleyville TX;
 January 31, 2025 is the payment due date;
Because of mailings and receipt of notices can be delayed, all homeowners are allowed  the month of February 2025 as grace period to make their dues payment without penalties or late fees being applied;
Late fees or penalties may be applied beginning March 1, 2025 for un-paid dues.
HAVE A HAPPY, SAFE AND PROSPEROUS 2025 and let us all continue to keep McDavid Estates the BEST place to live in Parker County! 
McDavid Estates HOA Board President
Posted on Sep 10th, 2024
Dear Neighbors, 
The HOA Board of Directors at its September 3, 2024, meeting, directed our management company (ACCLAIM) to begin the process, including legal action, to ensure that OPEN INFRA (OI) makes or pays for the full, proper and complete repairs of damages, caused by OI’s installation of fiber optic cables in the subdivision. 
The HOA Board believes that McDavid homeowners have been harmed by OI’s actions and OI’s failure to take action. Thus far, OI has only given promises of corrective actions without any of the promises being fulfilled. This despite individual homeowners making numerous repeated requests for repairs of damages caused by OI.  
Further, the Board feels that the failure of OI to make necessary repairs is widespread in our subdivision. To ensure we capture the full scope and magnitude of OI’s failures we are requesting that all homeowners who have had damages to their yards, landscaping, irrigation systems, lighting systems, large holes left uncovered, cables not buried, etc., and have reported this damage to OI and are still awaiting repairs or finally undertook their own repairs, to please proved the following information.
1. Homeowners Name, Address and Phone Number
2. Email address
3. Brief statement of repairs requested, and number of times requests were made. Did you document your requests and OI’s replies?
4. Do you have an estimate as to repair costs? If so, what is that cost? Or did you undertake repairs after no actions were taken by OI? What was that repair cost?

Please send the above information by email to with a cc to 
We will keep those homeowners who respond, and the full Membership updated as to the actions and status of actions the HOA undertakes to obtain repairs and/or restitution for OI’s failure to have made requested repairs. While we hope that legal action will not be necessary, the HOA Board is prepared to take those actions necessary to ensure our homeowners achieve a proper resolution in this matter.
P.T. Wright
HOA Board President,

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