Notice To Homeowners - Possibility for Fiber Optics in McDavid Estates
The McDavid Estates HOA Board Of Directors has received a request from OpenInfra (OI), a company that installs fiber optic infrastructure, to approve OI’s canvasing McDavid Home owners to determine the level of interest in having OI install a fiber optic network in McDavid Estates.
Homeowners are not obligated to participate in this canvasing.
OI is not required to get this Board approval. It would appear that this request is a good will measure on OI’s part to ensure that the HOA Board and McDavid homeowners have advance notice of OI’s plan to canvas for interest and with enough interest “sell” their services to those homeowners wishing to have fiber optics brought to their home.
This notice is not an endorsement of OpenInfra or its offering. The Board did not request the company to install a fiber optic network.
The HOA will not be responsible for any costs of OI’s network installation or services. Therefore, if this network were to be installed it will not result in an increase of HOA dues.
The “internet” has become an important part of our ability to communicate, work and play. Thus, it should be up to McDavid homeowners to decide for themselves if they need this product. Those homeowners who do not wish to participate in this offer will not have to pay anything.
The Board realized that this “opportunity” comes with a lot of questions, and we were pleased that OpenInfra was willing to answer questions raised. The below link will take you to a listing of those questions/answers. We hope that having this information will help you be better prepared, for when you are contacted by OI, to determine your interest in “buying” their product.
ALL Homeowners should find these questions/answers beneficial since they address/clarify issues that all homeowners may wish to know concerning this topic.
Finally, at the next HOA Board Meeting, June 6, 2023, the Board will review the status of OpenInfra’s offer during the New Business portion of its agenda. As HOA members, homeowners are always entitled to attend.
P.T.Wright, President
McDavid Estates HOA
FAQs were developed by Jared Benson, HOA Treasurer.