Hi all,
The McDavid annual meeting has been set for Tuesday, November 6 @ 7:00, 1733 McDavid Court. McDavid HOA board elections will take place as well as a vote for proposed covenant changes. Proxy ballots will be emailed in the next week and also sent with our fall newsletter for those who cannot attend the meeting in person.
If you would like to run or nominate a neighbor for McDavid HOA board, please submit your name to Laura Tague at lauratagoo@gmail.com. We didn't have any volunteers for the nomination committee. Board members can be nominated now and all the way up to and at the annual meeting. Board positions are:
President. Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Phase captains 1-6, as well as 3 committee chairs for architectural, audit, and neighborhood affairs.
In January, we would like to transition to sending out emails from the McDavid website, so if you have not created a profile, please go to mcdavidestates.com and add your email. This year we will have the option of sending dues electronically. More info to come later.
McDavid HOA